Iron Goddess or "Tie Guan Yin" takes its name from an ancient legend where a lowly farmer tended to the temple of a deity (Guan Yin) and was rewarded with this particular tea plant. It is known for its unique ball-rolled shape that later opens and blooms into large leaves when infused.
The tea consists of the larger leaves of the tea plant. These leaves are shaken and rolled to induce higher oxidation levels, which helps develop their nuanced flavor profile. This TGY is roasted lightly, a relatively modern take on this tea that highlights its more delicate aromas.
Tea Profile
Traditional Name: 鐵觀音 [Pinyin: Tiě Guān Yīn]
Origin: Anxi County, Fujian Province, China
Elevation: 1200m
Varietal: Guan Yin
Harvesting: third and fourth leaves • April 2023
Processing: Indoor withering, rolled, and lightly roasted
Wet Leaf Aroma: Butter • Spinach • Apricot
Tea Liquor Color: Lime green
Mouthfeel: Medium-thick and viscous
Finish: Lightly Astringent • Smooth • Mangosteen
Body Sensation: Awakening and bright